Number of lines per revolution 1000, 1024, 2000, 2048, 4000, 4096, other number of lines on request
Commutation signals See diagram on page 8, other commutations on request
Max. output frequency 800 kHz
Measuring step 90° electric/number of lines
Reference signal
Number 1
Position 90° electr., logic operation with A and B
Output driver TTL/RS422
Output signal sequence See pulse time diagram on page 9
Signal tolerance tx1 … tx4 max. at 300 kHz 1.5 x ¼ T
Electrical data
Supply voltage 5 V ± 10 %
Max. operating current 60 mA (without load)
Mechanical data
Dimensions See dimensional drawing
Mass 0.1 kg
Moment of inertia to the motor 10 gcm2
Operating speed 12 000 rpm–1
Working speed 6000 rpm–1
Max. angular acceleration 0.2 x 105 1/s2
Operating torque 0.2 Ncm
Start-up torque 0.4 Ncm
Permissible shaft movement
Static Axial ± 0.75 mm
Radial ± 0.5 mm
Dynamic Axial ± 0.2 mm
Radial ± 0.1 mm
Angular motion, perpendicular to the
rotational axis
Static ± 0.005 mm/mm
Dynamic 0.0025 mm/mm
Lifetime of ball learnings 3.6 x 109 revolutions
Ambient data
Working temperature range –20 °C … +115 °C
Storage temperature range
(without packaging)
–40 °C … +125°C
Permissible relative air humidity 1) 90 %
To shocks as per EN 60068-2-27 100 g/10 ms
To vibration as per EN 60068-2-6 20 g/10 … 2000 Hz
EMC 2) As per EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-3
Protection class as per IEC 60529 IP 40
1) Condensation not permissible.
2) EMC as per specified standards is ensured if the motor feedback system is fitted in a conductive housing connected to the central grounding point of the motor controller via cable shielding. The GND-(OV) connection of the supply voltag

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